Well, I have just been too sad to write. On October 30 I found out that my Liberty, my beloved cocker spaniel has cancer. We have chosen not to treat it and to just love her and keep her comfortable for the remainder of her days.
As I sit here typing my eyes are filling with tears my love for this dog is just so big that I really can't bear to even think of it. She has had many good days and a few bad these past few weeks. All I ask is that whoever reads this will say a prayer , for a dog that was twice returned to the pound but who for the past 9 years has loved us and loved life. She has touched many people and even at the age of 10 she still gets more attention when out then a puppy! Dogs like Liberty are few and far between. I am not talking about a perfect dog, Liberty is not and never has been. She steals food, right out of my hand in fact! She snips at children, and even bites puppies! But she is loyal, she is brave, she is playful, and she has loved me and been with me for the past 9 years more than even my husband!
I was going to tell her tale today, how we found her, the silly things she has done, but really in the end all that matters is how she made us feel. Dogs are created by God to love their owners, provide companionship and to give joy! Many times they may seem like more work then fun but ultimately when their lives are nearing the end the comfort they provided us during their lives is their lasting legacy.
When Liberty is up late in the night, panting and breathing hard I rub her and hold her. Her breathing slows, she knows I am there. Just as she was there for me when I was afraid of being home alone, or the time she knew I was hurting with a very bad headache, she licked my face and I was comforted. That's what dogs do, they bring comfort and joy to our lives.
I will store up all the memories of Liberty in my heart during these last days of her life. I will try to remember her fur, the softness, how her paws sometimes smell like corn chips. I will memorize her face and rub my nose on her wet nose. But the comfort, the closeness of sharing a good cuddle with her and how she was sad when I am sad is what will be her lasting legacy. She took care of me and now I will do the same for her. She is fragile now, but she is still the dog who would walk with me for hours in the woods. We had our times, we shared alot in those woods. Adventures that only the 2 of us share. We were quite a pair and a piece of my heart will go with her when she dies.
I love you Liberty and always will, you are and will forever be my true best friend.
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