Monday, October 27, 2008

New Name

I have decided that I would like to change the name of this blog. I have been thinking that I am not really that tired anymore and would like to convey a more positive image. I have been considering a few different titles but would love some help. So go ahead and send me your ideas! If I like your idea, I will recognize you in my humble writings and someday when I am rich and famous maybe I will compensate you! Until then a simple thanks, will have to do!


Steve said...

1) A Very Busy Mom
2) Karen's Musings
3) The Second Greatest Blog in the World

A Very Tired Karen said...

Ha , you are so funny and kind to Lisa! Yes her blog is the best so I guess that makes yours the 3rd greatest blog in the world!

Steve said...

I have a message from, let me see if I can find it, yes here it is...anyway I have a message from a Very Tired Mom that she'd like to thank the academy and The WORLD's GREATEST BLOG! That's got to be me!

Lisa said...

LOL, you two! Thanks so much for this lovely award. I couldn't have done it with out those who have helped along the way... oh, sorry...not enough time to read my list? OK, OK, the shortened version....thanks to Karen and Steve!

Karen...what about The Soap Box? Karen's Korner (note the cute way I spelled....ah...nevermind!)?