Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sick and Tired

Well, that about sums it up. I am sick and tired of buying into the belief that a spouse who works outside the home works harder than a stay at home parent. Yeah it's hard to get up and get dressed and go out and work for someone else. But ya know what, it's no day in the park being thrown up on. It's no day in the park because as a stay at home mom I work for a 3 year old and a 21 month old.

What about the fact that I am constantly cleaning, constantly cooking, I never sit down until it is time for me to rock my children to sleep. Instead of enjoying this time, I am making a list of all the things I need to do once my precious children go to sleep.

Many mom's condemn me because I rock my kids to sleep. Well I think I am a genius. Because if I did not rock them to sleep I would have to continue working. I work from morning to bed time. I am fed up and no longer going to make excuses for those people who work outside the home, this home. I dust, clean , cook, do the wash, iron the wash, make the bed, last night I even carried my Liberty up the stairs because she could not make it on her own. I keep an eye on the health of a 3 year old, 21 month and 10 year old cocker spaniel. 2 of which cannot speak! I look for lumps, bumps, ticks and now I am even battling the system over a "supposed" speech problem. I guess a college degree has more clout than a mom's intuition. Leave my kid alone!

I am sick and tired of all of this.

I work longer, I work harder, I do a great job at a job that is never done, never rewarded, never acknowledged.

I work while the working parent spends the quality time with my girls, the time that I don't have during the day because I am brushing 3 sets of teeth, getting 3 bodies dressed, combing 3 very different types of hair. I negotiate, I make deals, I sometimes even win these deals. But even when I lose I still have to show up, I still have to do the work and I don't ever get a day off.

I know I am ranting and probably not making sense. But I am tired of censoring, this blog is supposed to be my outlet. This is how I see it and to those who will complain, well then just don't read what I have to say.


Steve said...

Keep it going; your blogs are great.

Lisa said...

You go girl! Let it out! Stay-at-home moms rarely get the kudos they deserve. You need to tell your hubby that you are taking the day off and head for Kimberly's Day Spa. Let him deal take a day off from work and deal with the kids and dog. Just one day and he will see how much you really do. If you feel like it...leave a list of all the things you do during the day so he knows exactly what goes on while he's at work. I'm not saying that he's a bad hubby, but somethings do go unnoticed.
On another note, does everything have to be done every day? Can some things wait a day or two? This would give you more time to play with your kids. Also get them to help kids were putting the silverware away at two years old. It's a great sorting activity. Also teach them to fold towels...and if they are not perfect, who cares! It gives them a sense of accomplishment as well.
Always know...I got your back!

Steve, would it kill you to offer a little more support? Sheesh!