Friday, June 20, 2008

Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican: Uh Oh!

Failing to recycle plastic bags could find you spending eternity in Hell, the Vatican said after drawing up a list of seven deadly sins for our times.

If this is the case then boy am I in big trouble. Does the Pope realize that while I am scraping and rinsing out the spaghetti o can, those spaghetti o's in question could:

Be fed to, or licked up by the dog; the repercussions of which will be scooped up by my lazy husband on his twice a year pooper scooping mission.

They could be used to paint the floor, the walls, or even a toddler's body.

Or the spaghetti o's that started out in the can,the can that will determine my eternal salvation, could be found hours later in a dirty diaper, or days later stuffed into a play purse?

As you can surmise I do not recycle. I believe that recycling is actually a conspiracy theory generated by the goverment and lazy husbands who want to keep women, stay at home mom's to be exact stuck at home lining up cans, milk jugs and cardboard boxes on the countertops.

I do not believe that God is judging me for tossing a can or 2 or 12 in the garbage. In fact, I have never felt more free then the first time I chucked a tin can in the garbage. There I was in my kitchen staring down 4 milk jugs and assorted cans feeling very overwhelmed. Everything was so cluttered and every time I ventured into the garage to sort these recyclable treasures my Janelle would howl and carry on as if I were leaving our home forever! In that moment it dawned on my, just put them in the garbage. At first I felt a tiny bit guilty, but then in went the second, then the third and soon my counters were clean and I was out of the kitchen and off to play with Jordan and Janelle. It was such a relief.

So sometimes I recycle and sometimes I am just to busy and tired. I guess I am caught somewhere between Heaven and Hell. Contrary to what the Pope says I am certain of where I will spend eternity, my God is a forgiving God who would never punish someone for choosing to make their life a little easier and less cluttered. I know my fate and no one can tell me any different.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness Karen. this is so funny. ha ha ha.