Friday, June 27, 2008

No Staring Please!

Why is a kicking, screaming child who won't get into a grocery cart something people are interested in?

Should I sell tickets the next time Janelle refuses to get into the cart! Maybe!

Today at Hannaford Janelle made it known that she was not at all interested in shopping, in a cart, in my arms, or even in the "fun" kid seat. She was not happy and no one not even mommy could make her happy.

She kicked. She screamed. I pretended to igonor her but very soon a crowd started to gather. I kid you not, people just stood and stared! These were not the " I have been there, you poor thing" stares. These were "this is entertaining" stares. I think maybe they were waiting for me to have a melt down also. Well not me, I have a hungry family to feed! Obviously I was the only person whoneeded to food because, as we progressed into the store, wherever we went people stopped what they were doing and stared.

This is not exactly true, some people, blocked the aisles so that I could not get through. Did they not hear the screaming child, who by aisle 3 was coated in chocolate. Hershey Kisses were my only line of defense, no judging, these bit of chocolate heaven got me to aisle 6 in relative silence.

As you can imagine I got in and out just as fast as I could but all the bystanders just made it a bit uncomfortable. So here is some advice, the next time you are out shopping and a baby, toddler, or hostile preschooler is screaming, kicking and causing a ruckus, do the very tired mom a favor, DON"T STARE, and MOVE out of her way!

Thank you!

1 comment:

Becky said...

oh my goodness -- you are so funny! i am sure it was a total nightmare..i can only imagine.