Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hello Again

it has been such a long time since I have updated. I must say that for a person who loves to write, writing is at times a struggle for me. With 2 small kids who are always voicing their wants and desires my own voice has become lost. Everyday I intend to write, or do at least one thing for myself and yet the hours tick by and Karen is morphed into mommy. Mommy has too much laundry, dishes and a house that is so disorganized I can't even begin to explain or unravel it. But yet not matter how much I try to clean up and get it all done it still looks the same. Some believe that the state of the home reflects the people who live in it. I guess you can call me Chaos!

Each night I drop into bed, nothing written, nothing creative accomplished. Oh and by the way, sleep does not count as me time! Sleep is not relaxation or doing something for yourself. Sleep is a basic need and as a mother we all must remember this. We can sleep for 3 hours or 8 , but it is not me time! I am beginning to realize that I am doing myself no favors by ignoring myself. I work all day and am still up to my ears in problems that I will never be able to resolve, all the while the girl I once was is starting to fade into the background. It is funny because I used to be creative, funny and even at times interesting.

So I am making another promise to myself and hopefully I can follow through this time, of course it is just like me to pick the busiest time of year to do this. But maybe, just maybe by seeking I can find some peace. So I will try to write each day and I will keep the editor in me on vacation, at least until the new year, I may not be witty, or even make sense, but honestly nothing in my life makes much sense right now. So I will go back to what has always brought me peace and joy and hopefully the words will lead me to my next pit stop.

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